Agenda item

Burnopfield, Tanfield, South Moor, Quaking Houses, South Stanley, Craghead and Bloemfontein - Parking & Waiting Restrictions, Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2024 - Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy & Growth


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth regarding representations received during the consultation periods in respect of proposed changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Burnopfield (for copy of report see file of minutes).


The Traffic Management Section Manager informed the Committee that following a review of representations received, officers determined that the changes detailed within the report would be of benefit in terms of improving road safety and visibility.  It was therefore proposed to amend the Burnopfield, Tanfield, South Moor, Quaking Houses, South Stanley, Craghead and Bloemfontain (Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Traffic Regulation Order to allow the identified proposals to be implemented. 


The Committee viewed a presentation which provided an outline of the location plans of the proposals to introduce no waiting at any time restrictions at two locations in Burnopfield (for copy of presentation see file of minutes). 


A number of objections had been received in respect of the proposals and the Traffic Management Section Manager outlined the representations, in the absence of the objectors, together with the Council’s response to the objections. In relation to the location at Busty Bank, an objection was received on the grounds that the restrictions should be increased. The Traffic Management Section Manager stated Durham County Council’s response was that traffic flow and cases of obstruction would continue to be monitored and, should any additional restrictions be required, they would be considered during any future amendments to the Traffic Regulation Order.  One objection had been received during the informal consultation stage in respect of the proposal at location 2, Valley View, which was not a direct objection to the proposed restrictions however it drew attention to the misuse of existing restrictions in the area. In response, the Council had arranged for targeted enforcement to be deployed, to ensure the restrictions were adhered to.   


The Traffic Management Section Manager highlighted that the proposals were supported by local members and Durham Constabulary.


Councillor A Sterling moved that the objections be set aside which was seconded by Councillor R Manchester


Upon a vote being taken the Committee unanimously:




To endorse the proposal, in principle to introduce the Burnopfield, Tanfield, South Moor, Quaking Houses, South Stanley, Craghead and Bloemfontain (Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2024, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth, under delegated powers. </AI9>






















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