Councillor L Brown noted she was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council and was a member of the City of Durham Trust, however she was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to applications on the agenda.
She explained that in respect of Item 5c, DM/24/00586/VOC - Saffron House, Newcastle Road, Crossgate Moor, she had called-in the item to Committee and had objected in respect of impact upon residential amenity, therefore she would leave the meeting during the consideration of that item.
The Chair, Councillor D Freeman noted he was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council, however, he was not a member of their Planning Committee and had not had any input into their submission in objection to applications on the agenda. He added that he was a member of the City of Durham Trust, however he was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to applications on the agenda.