Agenda item

DM/24/00522/FPA - Ramside Hall Golf Club, Ramside, Durham, DH1 1TD

Erection of part single and part two storey extension to Golf Clubhouse and Driving Range.


The Senior Planning Officer, George Spurgeon gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The application was for the erection of part single and part two storey extension to Golf Clubhouse and Driving Range and was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer and asked Members for their comments and questions.


Councillor A Bell noted he felt the application was brilliant, and that the Ramside Hotel and Golf Course was one of the successes in County Durham.  He noted while the application was in the green belt, it was a suitable use and therefore he would move approval of the application.  Councillor K Shaw seconded the motion for approval, noting where else would you find a golf course, but within a green belt.


Councillor J Elmer noted he very intensely supported the application.  He noted that the Landscape Team had noted no real impact from the application, however, as development in the green belt there was conflict against policy.  He noted he did not feel the additional offer provided did not constitute very special circumstances, where was not something unique.  He reiterated that he supported the application, however, felt there was some inconsistency in terms of application of green belt policy.


The Lawyer (Planning and Highways) noted that there was no requirement for a ‘very special circumstance’ to be unique, rather very special circumstance was a label that was applied where benefits were considered to clearly outweigh the harm.  He noted that, as set out by the Senior Planning Officer, that due to the floor space, the Committee were being asked to be minded to approve, with then referral to the Secretary of State with the ability for the Secretary of State to call-in the application should they feel necessary.  If the SoS decided not to call in the application, then planning permission would be granted by the Council. Councillor J Elmer noted that definition of very special circumstance would be useful for Members.


Councillor A Surtees noted she supported Councillor A Bell and felt, in light of the tourism offer within the County, that she would be very happy for the application to be approved, subject to referral to the Secretary of State.


The It was proposed by Councillor A Bell, seconded by Councillor K Shaw that the application be approved and upon a vote being taken it was:




That the Committee be MINDED TO APPROVE the application and the matter be referred to the Secretary of State.  In the event that the Secretary of State does not call in the application, it will be approved subject to the conditions set out within the report.


Councillor L Brown left the meeting at 11.16am


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