Agenda item

Consideration of the Ongoing Suitability of a Private Hire Driver


Prior to the commencement of the business, a brief discussion took place between the Licence Holder, the Licensing Officer and the Council’s Solicitor.


The Council’s Solicitor explained to the Sub-Committee that the Licence Holder had declined to appear in front of the Sub-Committee and had requested that the matter be heard in his absence.


The Sub-Committee agreed to consider the matter in the absence of the Licence Holder.


The Sub-Committee then considered the report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change to determine the ongoing suitability of a Private Hire Driver, which was presented by the Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


No questions were raised in relation to the report.


The Sub-Committee retired to deliberate the matter in private at 10.45am and at 10.50am the Chair delivered the Sub-Committee’s decision.




That the Private Hire Driver’s licence be revoked with immediate effect.