At a Meeting of the Joint Committee for the North of England Open-Air Museum held in the Collections Study Room, Regional Resource Centre, Beamish Museum on Friday 11 May 2012 at 10.45 a.m.
Councillor D Marshall in the Chair
Members of the Joint Committee
Councillors Bailey, Bell, Carr, Gittins, Iveson, C Marshall, May, Shuttleworth, Stoker, Thomson, Todd, Wilkinson and Wright (Durham County Council) Goldsworthy and Green (Gateshead MBC), Cunningham, Harkus (substitute for Councillor Kerr) and Maxwell (South Tyneside MBC) and R Bell, Kelly and Richardson (Sunderland City Council)
Co-opted Members (Non-Voting)
Friends – Mr A Ashburner
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Blakey, Farry, Naylor (Durham County Council), Craig (Gateshead MBC) Kerr (South Tyneside MBC), Mortimer (North Tyneside MBC) Walker (Sunderland City Council), Mrs S Stewart (Beamish Development Trust) and Mr M Dix (Friends)
The Chairman reported the retirement of Councillor Foster from Sunderland City Council and placed on record an appreciation of the services and support he gave to the Museum.
1 Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 March 2012
The minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
2 Museum Update
The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director that gave an update on Museum business (for copy see file of Minutes).
The good weather had contributed to high visitor number in February and March but a slight decline had been shown over the last few weeks due to the poor weather. The Great North Steam Fair had attracted 15,000 visitors over a four day period, and the busiest day of the year so far was on the Sunday after the BBC2 programme ‘Brick by Brick’ was shown attracting 4,901 visitors.
The Museum had been shortlisted for a National Group Travel award, nominated by bus drivers as well as being shortlisted for the UK Lareg Visitor attraction of the year.
A Paralympic event would be held on Friday 24 August 2012 involving local communities, with the flame arriving in a miners lamp.
Work had commenced collecting prefab houses from Kibblesworth for the 1950’s era at a total cost of £33,000. Members suggested that it would be useful to capture quotes from local people when taking down the houses as to what was like when they were built or living in them.
The Museum would hold an experimental event at night in the Pit Village with family activities planned.
That the report be noted.
3 Arts Council England/ Beamish & Bowes Major Partner Museum Activity Plan 2012-15
The Joint Committee received a presentation from the Museum Director detailing the Beamish and Bowes Museum Consortium Activity Plan 2012-2015 (for copy see file of Minutes).
A summary of key objectives were outlined including:-
Audience trends
Excellence – Develop knowledge of outstanding collection
Resilience – spread good practice throughout the sector
Leadership and Diversity – build capacity and training future leaders
Children and Young People – Increase participation across the sector
Members discussed the future role of Beamish and how it could support and help others in the sector without compromising the Museum itself. The Museum Director informed Members that the Company Board would look at ways to manage requests and help others become self sufficient.
That the presentation be noted.
4 Exclusion of the Public
That under Section 100 A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the said Act.
5 Update on Partnership Review – Formation of Working Group and Regional Advisory Panel
The Joint Committee considered a report of the Museum Director regarding the formation of a Regional Advisory Panel (for copy see file of Minutes)
The Panel would comprise of Members and Officers from the five constituent authorities together with representatives of the Friends and Development Trust. A working group would also be established to report to the Panel, which in turn would report to the Joint Committee on a regular basis.
That the recommendations contained within the report be approved.
6 Business and Operational Improvement Plan – Capital Programme Project Report No. 10
The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director that
provided an update on the variations and funding for Capital Projects
(for copy see file of Minutes).
That the report be approved.
7 Beamish Long Term Business Plan Development 2013+
The Joint Committee were informed that a report would be available later in the year and viewed plans of the some of the planned building works contained within the Long Term Business Plan.
Supporting documents: