The minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Councillor D Nicholls referred to the briefing note circulated on behalf of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). He added there had been reference to what details to be available in terms of named contacts at the neighbourhood level, for example telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Deputy Chief Constable C Irvine noted changes coming from the new Government in terms of ‘Neighbourhood Guarantee’ and noted the work undertaken by Durham Constabulary in terms of establishing its ‘single online home’, which was now live. He noted that it would be updated in line with national guidance, however, all Forces were awaiting that guidance from Government.
Councillor D Nicholls noted there was a balance in terms of contact methods and what was practical operationally.
Councillor L Hovvels noted that Councillor G Lee had also previously asked as regards splitting statistics between urban and rural areas so that the Panel could see any differences in performance. The Head of Business Services, OPCC, S Sahani noted details were within the briefing note circulated, with some manual work required and with discussions around this being ongoing.
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