Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Panel Annual Report 2023-24 - Joint Report of Head of Children's Social Care and Head of Early Help, Inclusion and Vulnerable Children


The Panel received the Corporate Parenting Panel Annual Report April 2023 – March 2024, for agreement, presented by Jayne Watson, Senior Partnerships Officer (for copy of report see file of minutes).



The Panel noted that the Corporate Parenting Panel’s Terms of Reference form part of Durham County Council’s constitution.  The Corporate Parenting Panel Annual Report was developed and designed with the help of the young people of the Children in Care Council and representatives of the Children in Care Council will attend the full Council meeting on 17 July 2024, to present the report for endorsement. 


Members commended the breadth of the work over the year and the Head of Children’s Social Care commented that the achievements would not have been possible had it not been for the engagement of the members.


In response to a question from Councillor Hunt, the officers agreed that the Annual Report would be circulated to all schools through Head Teacher briefings and  Virtual School network meetings.


The Chair agreed to share the report at the next regional meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel Chairs.




That the Corporate Parenting Panel Annual Report 2023-24 be agreed.


Supporting documents: