The Committee considered the Adopt Coast to Coast report presented by Paula Gibbons, Head of Adopt Coast to Coast (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).
The Panel noted that the cost of living crisis had affected performance in an increasingly competitive market. Since the previous presentation to the Panel in 2023, the number of enquiries, matches and adopters had fallen and whilst enquiries were on the increase, enquiries did not always come to fruition. There were 15 approvals during the year and one of the main challenges over the year was the lack of adopters which continued to be a national issue. The service was proactive to raise awareness of the Adopt Coast to Coast brand, including the strength of the support offer, to provide assurance to potential adopters that the service will be there to support families throughout the adoption journey. The Head of Service thanked members for continuing to be advocates for adoption, throughout their networks.
In response to a question from Courtney as to how the service uses real life stories and profiles of children and young people to market the service, the Head of Service explained that confidentiality is maintained by using anonymised profiles and the use of images was possible only if permission was granted.
Courtney then asked what process was in place when adoption placements did not succeed. The Head of Service informed the Panel that in those circumstances a meeting would be held with the adoptive family and professionals to identify the cause.
In reply to a question from Courtney as to what work was carried out to facilitate links with brothers and sisters, the Head of Service spoke of the drive to ensure opportunities exist for young people to connect with their birth family.
The Head of Children’s Social Care informed the Panel that whilst the report being considered focused on marketing activity, a further report was to be considered at a future Panel meeting on adoption practice and Courtney was welcome to submit questions, for the answers to be included within the report.
The Corporate Parenting Panel received the presentation and marketing activity update.
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