The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which sought approval to recommend that County Council agree the adoption of the County Durham Housing Strategy (CDHS) and the accompanying 12-Month Delivery Plan (for copy of report, see file of minutes).
In moving the report, Councillor Scott recognised the work attributed to the County Durham Housing Strategy by Officers and partners and the residents and other stakeholders for their contribution to the process. The new strategy would build on the success of the 2019 strategy to bring 955 properties back into use, provide energy efficiency improvements to 7500 properties, issue 13000 licences in selective licensing areas, install adaptations in 4000 properties, and secure a partner for the Councils house building programme.
The strategy provided framework and set out the strategic direction to enable the Council to provide good quality affordable housing that met everyone’s needs. The 12-month delivery plan would ensure there was no delay in delivering the strategy as the Council developed a longer term delivery plan.
In seconding the report, Councillor Shield confirmed that the strategy aimed to make County Durham a place with good quality homes that met the needs of existing and future residents, support economic growth, contribute to improved health and create maintained, sustainable and mixed balance communities. This had been acknowledged by the overwhelming support provided during the consultation process.
Councillor Wilkes confirmed that the Council were fixing housing issues and ensuring the provision of temporary accommodation which saved money. They were also ensuring homes for larger families and building or buying new Council homes, something he suggested, was not done by the previous administration.
That the recommendations in the report be approved.
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