Agenda item

County Durham Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Document Adoption


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth that sought approval to adopt the County Durham Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Document (MWPAD) following its independent examination by planning inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Wilkes in moving the report said that since the adoption of the County Durham Plan in 2020 this new document added further details and clarity for new developments. He added that it was re-assuring for residents that 24 policies were included in this document, including noise, air quality and transport.  The document also included reference to lithium and there was a specific policy relating to waste development.


Councillor Rowlandson said that the document allowed for the steady supply of minerals and raw materials that would be used for road, shops, hospitals, schools etc.  The policy would also develop a framework for waste and looked at principles for waste prevention.  Councillor Rowlandson seconded the report.


Councillor Elmer referred to a recent ruling about the extraction of coal and the C02 burning of coal, considered in a planning application, and asked of the implications around this.  The Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth would report back to Councillor Elmer on the High Court ruling.  The Director of Legal and Democratic Services advised that it was not uncommon for a Council to adopt a policy, recognising that it would evolve over time.  She added that relevant case law would be taken into account. Should any significant implications arise, then the policy would need to be revisited and amended as appropriate.



That the report be approved.

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