Agenda item

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023-2029


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth that sought approval to adopt the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy (HRSS), as detailed at Appendix 2. Cabinet had agreed to adopt the accompanying 12-Month Delivery Plan, as detailed at Appendix 3, subject to the HRSS being adopted by County Council (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Shield recognised the hard work in development of the strategy by officers, partners, stakeholders and the significant data analysis and extensive consultation that had taken place.  A very pro-active approach had been taken with early intervention which had helped offset costs for hotel and B&B accommodation.  The report highlighted the challenges faced and how the Council would tackle homelessness by focusing on delivering a partnership approach, using the strategic framework to allow any future government funding opportunities.  Councillor Shield was pleased to see a clear set of actions and outcomes and approval had been given by Cabinet and moved the recommendations in the report.


Councillor Rowlandson explained that homelessness affected friends and family of those that found themselves homeless. It placed pressure on physical, mental health and wellbeing and put pressure on relationships.  It was a long journey to rebuild someone’s life after they had been homeless and the strategy provided direction on how to target this and seconded the recommendations detailed in the report.


Councillor Miller referred to the self-help tool element of priority one including use of the website and web pages. Councillor Miller asked if the cuts to digital services would affect the provision of this.  Moving on to the increasing pressures in utilising temporary accommodation due to the lack of council owned stock he asked if compulsory purchase had been considered rather than going to auction.  The Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth advised that the website was already in place, and up and running.  With regards to acquisition of property she explained that compulsory purchase would be a last resort but would be dependent upon the circumstances.  The Corporate Director assured Councillor Miller that the Service would always work through the options before resorting to compulsory purchase.



That the report be agreed.

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