Agenda item

DM/23/03271/FPA - Land to the North of Mill Road, Langley Moor, Durham, DH7 8HL

Demolition of existing industrial building and erection of a retail unit (Class E) with associated car parking, hard and soft landscaping and associated works.


                The Senior Planning Officer, Gemma Heron gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The Senior Planning Officer advised that some Members of the Committee had previously visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting.  The application was for the demolition of existing industrial building and erection of a retail unit (Class E) with associated car parking, hard and soft landscaping and associated works and was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement as set out in the report.


                The Senior Planning Officer noted in terms of representations, the Highway Section and Flood Authority had offered no objection.  She added that the Ecology Section had offered no objections, subject to biodiversity net gain (BNG) on-site, and a financial contribution towards off-site mitigation.  She explained there had been 14 representations received, with primary concerns raised relating to the principle, highway safety and ecology.  She noted those in support welcomed new jobs, a boost to the local economy and reuse of industrial land.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that since the publication of the report, two further representations had been received from the Lidl and Tesco stores at Langley Moor, noting issues in terms of the Retail Impact Assessment, siting and querying the mechanism in relation to BNG.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that the previous use of the site was industrial, and the site had been on the market for two years and had remained unsold.  She added that therefore Policy 2 of the County Durham Plan (CDP) was engaged in relation to employment land.  She explained a sequential assessment had been undertaken by the applicant which noted no sequentially preferable sites and that there would not be significant impact upon other retail.


The Senior Planning Officer explained that in terms of the highway safety concerns raised, a protected crossing would be improved to the satisfaction of the Highways Section.  She added that the application would reuse a previous used site, with some trees to be retained, and with some additional planting and landscaping.  She concluded by noting some biodiversity gain on-site, together with a contribution towards off-site toward BNG, to be secured by a Section 106 Legal Agreement.


The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer and asked Councillor P Taylor, Local Member, to speak in relation to the application.


Councillor P Taylor thanked the Chair and Committee for the opportunity to speak and thanked the Senior Planning Officer for her excellent report and presentation, which he felt answered all relevant questions.  He commended the work of the Planning Department and thanked Aldi for their plans for a store at Langley Moor.  He explained that the proposals were overwhelmingly welcomed by the residents of Browney, Brandon and Langley Moor.  He added the post-COVID Langley Moor was beginning to thrive, with a Tattoo Parlour, Ironing Service and a Bakers, and the additional of an Aldi store would only be a boon to the area.  He noted he fully supported the proposals, and while there had been some slight concerns from some residents in relation to highways safety, he felt the comments from the Highways Section within the report helped to demonstrate there would be no issues in relation to traffic.  He welcomed the pedestrian crossing over the A690, and reiterated the application would be excellent for the local area, reused land, was good for the local economy and with around 40 jobs was good news all round.


The Chair thanked Councillor P Taylor and asked Helen Simms, Regional Property Director for Aldi Stores, to speak in support of the application.


H Simms noted she was pleased to have the support of the Local Member and explained Aldi had looked at the area for some time, deciding upon the site after it had been vacant for two years, failing to be brought back into industrial use.  She emphasised that the proposals represented a high-quality development providing a modern shop which had 90 percent support from consultation carried out.  She added the store would provide improved choice for residents, competitive pricing, and jobs for the local economy.  She noted it would serve both Langley Moor and commuters, helping with the cost-of-living crisis with its prices.


H Simms explained the location of the store would help in terms of travel time for local residents, reducing traffic overall as well as other spin-off benefits for Langley Moor. 


She noted that the development would be to BREEAM standards and would include improved footpaths and links over the A690.  She explained that the modest scale of the site meant the store would compliment existing shops and would work with local retailers, not against them.  She noted that Aldi would be a good neighbour, with the Construction Manager’s contact details to be available.  She added that Aldi would look to try and recruit staff from the local area.


H Simms noted that during the pre-application stage, Aldi had looked to engage with key stakeholders and local residents. 

She explained that professional third-party consultants had been engaged in respect of construction, transport, noise and drainage issues, with thorough details provided.  H Simms concluded by reiterating that the proposals represented a modern store of around £6 million investment, offering 40 jobs and would look to open in September 2024, should permission be granted, and would be a store Aldi would be proud of.


The Chair thanked H Simms and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.


Councillor J Elmer noted he was the other Local Councillor for the area and noted that it had been fantastic that Aldi had reached out early in the process to canvass residents’ views.  He added that Aldi had listened to the one issue repeated raised, in respect of the Mill Road/A690 junction and with thorough assessment with Aldi and Durham County Council (DCC) he was happy with the new A690 crossing, that would also hopefully calm traffic, as would another signal further along the road.  He noted the site currently was unoccupied and looked awful, with demolition being welcomed to improve the visual landscape.  He added it was important in terms of regeneration of the area, noting overwhelming support locally for the development.


Councillor J Elmer noted, for the benefit of H Simms, that Lidl Stores had an informal arrangement in terms of their car park, allowing customers from smaller shops nearby to use their car park.  He noted he would be grateful if a similar arrangement could be used, helping to free up parking on the Front Street.  Accordingly, he moved approval of the application as per the Officer’s report.


Councillor A Bell noted it had been very evident on the site visit the previous day that the current building was unsightly and the site in need of regeneration.  He noted he would second the motion for approval, adding that he felt a solution to issues with the junction could include a roundabout, however, that would be for Highways Officers to consider.


A motion for approval was proposed by Councillor J Elmer, seconded by Councillor A Bell and upon a vote being taken it was;



That the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions set out within the report and a Section 106 Legal Agreement.


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