Creation of a new spa complex and wellness facility.
The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer that was for the creation of a new spa complex and wellness facility at Hardwick Hotel, Sedgefield, Stockton on Tees, TS21 2EH (for copy see file of minutes).
S France, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation that included a site location plan, aerial views of the site, the existing and proposed elevation, the layout of the building and photographs. Hardwick Hotel was located in open countryside that lay west of the A177. It was a Grade II listed building with the application proposing to extend and modify a group of ancillary buildings, car parking and informal storage areas to the rear of the hotel to create a swimming pool, changing rooms, bar and restaurant. He advised that a planning application had been submitted and approved for an additional 45 bedrooms to be built on the car park that was separated from the buildings by tarmac. There had been concerns raised by Historic England regarding the loss of fabric. Work had been carried out with the applicant and the conservationist Officer over several years to come up with an acceptable proposal. It was to create 128 jobs. Upon consultation there were no issues from Highways, the biodiversity net gain was subject to conditions and Visit County Durham was supportive. It was the officer’s recommendation to approve the application.
Mr S Hesmondhalgh, applicant as Planning Agent addressed the committee in support of the application. He stated that the outline of the application had been given that focused on the balance of harm caused against the benefits. He informed the committee that the proposed stables already had existing planning consent that could be built on along with proposed plans to build an additional 45 bedrooms on the carpark. The existing stable would be replaced and incorporated into the new scheme. The National Planning Policy Framework balanced the harm against the public benefit. The scheme was at the rear of the hotel and had a physical separation between the buildings with a tarmacked footpath. Upon consultation Tree Officers had expressed concern over the loss of 9 elderly trees but there was a proposal to plant 220 smaller trees. Hardwick Hall was dominated by existing mature trees. The application was supported by Visit County Durham as there was increased demand in the area for wellness and wellbeing facilities. Hardwick Hall employed 700 members of staff and the proposal would increase that further with an additional 71 direct jobs and 128 indirect jobs created. The development had an investment value for the area of £11 million. He asked that the committee agree with officer’s recommendation to approve the application.
There were no further registered speakers in relation to the application therefore the Chair opened up the meeting to questions and debate from members.
Councillor D Brown noted that the planning application had been ongoing for a long time and asked if Officers could expand on its history.
The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that there had been a lot of time spent on the planning application. John White, architect had worked with Durham County Council Officers as the application was not straight forward. There had been a lot of issues to work through from the Conservation Team and the Planning Team. It had been a long and positive experience.
Councillor E Adam advised Members that he had attended a site visit through the Environmental and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look around Hardwick Park. He mentioned that Ramside Hall levied a tourist tax on guests that supported the upkeep of the surrounding area. He was unsure if this was enforceable but queried if this could be part of a condition to help support the surrounds of Hardwick Park.
Mr J Adamson confirmed that he had introduced an optional charge of £1 bedroom tax that was added to guest’s invoices with the accumulation of funds being paid to the Friends of Hardwick Park to help finance the upkeep of the grounds. This was optional and some guests paid it and some guests asked for it to be removed from their bill. It equated to approximately £3,000 to £5,000 per year. He would continue to do this but had not been instructed to do so. It was unclear what would happen with the new government regarding bedroom tax on the hospitality industry when the contribution may transpire to being bigger.
The Legal Officer (Planning and Highways) confirmed as this was a voluntary contribution between the business and a third party the planning authority could not impose this as a condition on the application.
The Chair opened up the meeting to debate.
Councillor E Adam proposed to agree with officer recommendation and moved to approve the application.
Councillor N Jones agreed with the application to put an old building back into use and seconded the application for approval.
Councillor G Richardson had found it interesting that Hardwick Park was a subsidiary of Ramside Hall.
Councillor L Maddison welcomed the application as tourism and culture was a big part of County Durham.
Councillor S Zair thought it was a fantastic proposal and thanked everyone who had worked on the application.
Councillor D Brown confirmed that Hardwick Park was part of the Ramside portfolio that had been in existence for over 60 years. The hotel and spa had created a boom for the Hardwick area. The applicant in dealing with the planning department had been amenable and so he supported the application.
Upon a vote being take it was unanimously
That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in the report.
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