Demolition of Blocks 1 (partial), 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10, retention of Blocks 2 & 7 and Sports Centre (Block 8), construction of a new teaching block and extension to Sports Centre, along with associated access and external works
The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an application for the Demolition of Blocks 1 (partial), 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10, retention of Blocks 2 & 7 and Sports Centre (Block 8), construction of a new teaching block and extension to Sports Centre, along with associated access and external works at Greenfield Academy, Greenfield Way, Newton Aycliffe (for copy see file of minutes).
C Teasdale, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included an aerial photograph of the site, site photographs, site location plans, proposed site layout plans and visualisations of the new buildings.
Councillor Bell queried the relationship between the Council as the Applicant and Greenfield Academy. The Applicant advised that finance for the new build was being provided by the DfE to the Council.
Councillor Elmer noted the concerns raised by local residents regarding the large number of cars along Greenfield Way and queried whether travel plan provision had been included to resolve these problems. The Principal Planning Officer advised that the matter was addressed in paragraph 157 of the Committee report and also that a travel plan had been submitted and referred to in the report and it sought to encourage active travel.
Councillor Elmer suggested that the Applicant should be made aware that the wildflower meadow running up towards the gate of the school as it presented an opportunity for the school to create similar verges on site for species to diversify.
Local Member, Councillor Stead mentioned some of the issues faced by the school including the significant cost of using diesel generators for the temporary portacabins which had been used as permanent classrooms. It was unacceptable for children to be taught in these conditions. He thanked Officers of the Council and Cabinet Members for ensuring the funding and moved the recommendation to approve the application.
Councillor Atkinson agreed that a new school was required and seconded the proposal.
Councillor Elmer supported the application and noted the importance of progressing buildings that would improve the quality of education.
That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.
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