Agenda item

Review of Customer Access Point Service Offer - Report of Corporate Director of Resources [Key Decision: CORP/R/2024/005]


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which outlined proposals to adjust the face-to-face service offer delivered in Customer Access points (CAPs).  The report detailed the findings of the consultation activity and equalities impact assessment (EIA) on the proposals, linked to the achievement of savings targets included in MTFP (14) and highlighted options for early realisation of a proportion of associated savings (for copy of report see file of minutes).

Councillor S McDonnell, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Digital, Customer Services and Procurement placed on record her thanks to the hard work by the team. In moving the recommendations in the report, Councillor McDonnell highlighted the extensive consultation process in this area, and how the Council had engaged with residents and communities. She thanked the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board for their input which was set out in paragraph 69 of the report. Demand and footfall at Customer Access Points had decreased year upon year and visitor numbers had dropped since the pandemic. There was a need to manage the revised service offer and bring changes forward to next year, with 60% of appointments not being utilised. This would also bring savings forward to 2025/26. Councillor McDonnell explained that a change in customer contact to better align with the needs and demands of customers was required. This would maximise efficiency and effectiveness within the service and help move the service offer forward. The revised service officer would be expanded to provide surgeries in Newton Aycliffe and Peterlee.

Councillor A Shield, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Equalities and Inclusion explained that decisions made as a Cabinet must be information based and evidence led and seconded the recommendations. Councillor Shield commented that the need to implement change was unequivocal in this case. The Customer Access Points had seen sustained and significant reductions across all areas due to a change in customer behaviour. It was wholly appropriate for provision to be reviewed and the Service evolved.

Councillor M Wilkes, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change praised the outcome of the review which would offer surgeries in all existing locations and expand them further to Newton Aycliffe and Peterlee, whilst also saving money.



That the recommendations in the report be approved.


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