The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided information on the following:
a) the forecast revenue and capital outturn for 2024/25, based on the position to 30 June 2024;
b) an update on the dedicated schools grants and forecast schools’ outturn as at 31 March 2025, based upon the position to 30 June 2024;
c) the forecast for the council tax and business rates collection fund outturn at 31 March 2025, based on the position to 30 June 2024;
d) details of the updated forecast use of and contributions to earmarked, cash limit and general reserves in 2024/25 and the estimated balances that will be held at 31 March 2025. 2 To provide Cabinet with an update on progress towards achieving MTFP (14) savings in 2024/25;
The report also provided Cabinet with an update on progress towards achieving MTFP (14) savings in 2024/25 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).
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