The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided an update on the performance of the Procurement function and wider council spend profile including the Social Value outturn position.
The report also identified the targeted performance results, impacts and challenges through the council’s procurement activity for the financial period 2023-2024 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).
Councillor S McDonnell, placed on record her thanks to all of the officers involved in the Council’s procurement activity, but particularly Sarah Armstrong and Richard Carroll for their leadership and support that resulted in Durham County Council being sector leaders, and recently retired Darren Knowd. It was pleasing to note a high proportion of spending was with County Durham based SMEs, businesses and showing that the County Durham Pound was reinvested into local businesses and local employment for the benefit of residents and the local economy adding that the County Durham Pound was an initiative and an area of business that Durham should be proud of.
That the recommendations in the report be approved.
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