The Committee considered a report of the Chief Internal Auditor and
Corporate Fraud Manager, presented by the Internal Audit Manager, Nicola Cooke, which informed Members of the work that had been carried out by Internal Audit during the period 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 as part of the 2024/2024 Internal Audit Plan (for copy see file of minutes).
Councillor C Varty asked for clarity in respect of the ‘in progress’ status relating to Pension Fund bank reconciliations. The Internal Audit Manager noted that as at the cut off for reporting date to Committee, that was the position, however she reassured Members that the bulk of the work in respect of that audit was completed and that colleagues were close to being able to provide an assurance position on the matter.
Councillor J Atkinson noted the report was of the Chief Internal Auditor and
Corporate Fraud Manager and asked as regards the link between Internal Audit and Corporate Fraud in looking at issues of potential fraud. The Internal Audit Manager noted that she worked under the Chief Internal Auditor in heading up the Internal Audit side, with the Corporate Fraud Manager working on the fraud side. She noted the teams referred work to each other accordingly and linked with each other in terms of any areas and actions as required. Councillor J Atkinson noted it was very important, highlighting the hack to Capita as an example. The Internal Audit Manager noted that the Corporate Fraud Team at DCC were very good and added that there could be assurance taken in respect of the ‘protecting the public purse’ element of reporting at the Council’s Audit Committee.
That the work undertaken by Internal Audit during the period ending 30 June 2024 be noted.
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