The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which updated Members on the revisions to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Pension Fund Risk Register, following a review by the Risk and Governance Team in August 2024 (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Head of Pensions (LGPS) asked for any feedback on areas that Members may wish for a deep dive at a future meeting of the Committee. Members noted several issues, including recent cyberattacks that had impacted organisations within the UK. The Head of Pensions (LGPS) reminded Members of previous presentations in relation to cybersecurity. Members noted the importance of protecting data, with the Internal Audit Manager providing assurance that cybersecurity was taken very seriously and could come back with further information for Members. The Vice-Chair, Councillor M Stead noted he understood Members’ thoughts were ‘what if’, and how we would respond. The Head of Pensions (LGPS) noted an update in terms of security of data and disaster recovery may therefore be useful to provide members further assurance.
That the information contained in the report be noted.
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