Agenda item

Care Experience - Protected Characteristic


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Children’s Social Care in respect of Care Experience being adopted by DCC as a Protected Characteristic (for copy of report see file of minutes).


The Panel heard from Luke and Billie Leigh as regards the work they had undertaken in looking at adopting Care Experience as a Protected Characteristic across DCC, including an overview of the consultation responses from surveys conducted by DCC and IIC. 


Councillor S Quinn entered the meeting at 9.41am


Luke noted some young people had not understood what a protected characteristic was, and some had said they did not want ‘another label’ given to them as care experienced young people.  Billie Leigh noted that while care experienced young people faced a number of barriers, they did not want their care experience to define them, with Luke adding that many were resilient and would simply answer ‘I am fine’.  Luke noted that a number of the young people that had responded explained that they did not wish to retell their personal story repeatedly.  The Panel noted that care experienced young people could often think about what other people thought about them.  Luke and Billie Leigh explained that it was hoped the work could help change the narrative for care experienced young people.  They added that the majority of those who had responded supported adopting care experience as a protected characteristic.


Luke and Billie Leigh referred the Panel to a number of slides with quotes from the young people and noted the next steps, including a motion to be put to Full Council.


The Chair thanked Luke and Billie Leigh, with Councillor C Hunt adding her thanks for an excellent piece of work.  The Chair added the work was very professional and had taken on board the points made by the Panel previously.


The Senior Partnerships Officer noted it was hoped that it would be considered at the October meeting of Council, with those involved to be invited to the meeting accordingly.




(i)       That the report be noted.

(ii)      That the Corporate Parenting Panel present the motion to Council proposing the adoption of the principles of protected characteristics for care experienced young people be agreed.


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