Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and the Corporate Director of Resources and Treasurer to the Joint Committee
The Joint Committee considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and the Corporate Director Resources and Treasurer which outlined issues to consider as part of the Medium Term Financial planning for the Central Durham Crematorium. The report set out proposals to increase the fees and charges from 2025/26 together with details of the budget planning assumptions over the coming three years. The views of the Joint Committee were sought in advance of the 2025/26 budget setting process (for copy see file of minutes).
In response to a query from Councillor Varty regarding fee increases of neighbouring authorities, the Finance Manager advised that fees would not be available until April 2025, however the report to be considered in January 2025 would provide neighbouring authorities current figures at the time.
The Chair added that it was important that fees do not fall too far behind other facilities and highlighted the need to monitor vacant slots in comparison to neighbouring authorities.
Town Councillor C Maddison commented that the report was excellent and provided clarity. He noted that Durham Crematorium fees were £275 below the current charges at the nearest facility at Coundon which would provide more business. He added that the shared distribution had increased over the years which was very positive for Spennymoor.
Town Councillor Ranyard felt that the fee increase was reasonable and Durham Crematorium fees would remain among the lowest of other neighbouring facilities in the region. He noted that fees were harmonised with Mountsett Crematorium and queried the implications if both Mountsett and Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee did not agree the same increase. The Finance Manager explained that in terms of procedure, there was nothing to say that fees had to be same, however it was in the interests of both Durham and Mountsett Crematoriums that fees remained harmonised.
(i) That the contents of the report be noted;
(ii) That the proposed increase in the fees and charges, as identified in the report be approved;
(iii) That a review of the budget strategy in September 2025 be agreed in preparation for the 2026/27 budget setting year.
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