Agenda item

7/2012/0103/DM - Land at 14 North Road, Spennymoor

Outline application with details of layout, access and scale, for the erection of four dwellings including the demolition of 14 North Road, Spennymoor.


Outline Application with Details of Layout, Access and Scale, for the Erection of Four Dwellings Including the Demolition of 14 North Road, Spennymoor


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site.


Councillor N Foster, local Member spoke on behalf of local residents against the application. Their main concerns related to highway safety on North Road and the speed of traffic travelling along it. If approved this application would exacerbate the problems. The photographs presented by Planning Officers did not reflect the character of the whole area.


Other concerns included noise and disturbance which may be mitigated by planting, and whilst the layout avoided direct overlooking, the privacy currently enjoyed by neighbouring properties would be removed because residents would be overheard while sitting in their gardens.


Density of the site was also an issue as it was out of character with the surrounding area.  On balance the concerns expressed by residents had not been mitigated.


Mr Simpson, an objector stated that the garden was unique and it would be an insult to the former owner to destroy it and the wildlife that was attracted there. The development was not needed; 2 recent articles in the local press referred to a similar development less than a mile from North Road and a further 2000 houses were proposed at Thinford. He also disagreed with the views of Planning Officers that it would be unreasonable to refuse the application on the grounds that there were unsold properties less than a mile away.


Access arrangements were of concern in view of problems of access onto North Road which was already busy, particularly at peak periods.


Mr Athey, objector stated that as part of the proposals a dwelling was to be built adjacent to his own bungalow and he was concerned that the first floor windows of that property would overlook his garden. He understood that screening was proposed using existing shrubs and the silver birch trees but as could be seen from the Planning Officer’s photographs there would be very little tree coverage in winter months.


Mr Athey also believed that flood risk was an issue. Their garden was currently waterlogged and this would worsen once existing trees and landscaping were removed. The development would have an impact on biodiversity; currently the garden was a haven for wildlife, including a rare invertebrate, and if the application was approved an important habitat would be lost.


Mr White, the applicant’s agent stated that this was a small scale residential development on a sequentially preferable site in a sustainable location. The primary elevations would not overlook neighbouring properties and would be screened by much of the existing landscaping which was to be retained.


The access road was deemed to be acceptable by highways and at 4.8m accorded with highway legislation.


In determining the application Members acknowledged that this was an outline application and the concerns expressed relating to flood risk etc would be addressed at the reserved matters stage.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: