Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Councillor M Wilkes to Move


Council notes and is deeply concerned by the Government's decision to end universal Winter Fuel Payment. Across County Durham, 89,275 pensioners will be financially worse off due to this change.


Council is concerned that around 37% of those eligible do not take up Pension Credit, which will now be required for entitlement to Winter Fuel Payment. This could potentially push thousands of County Durham pensioners into fuel poverty. Furthermore, many pensioners not entitled to pension credit but on low and middle incomes will also be affected.


Council resolves to:

·      Request that the relevant portfolio holders write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and County Durham’s MPs, calling for the policy on linking Winter Fuel Payment to Pension Credit receipt, removing 89,275 County Durham pensioners from eligibility to be immediately scrapped.

·      Request all Group Leaders within Durham County Council sign this letter to indicate their support.

·      Urgently commence a significant awareness campaign to maximise uptake of Pension Credit.



Councillor R Crute to Move


This council has concerns about the impact on some County Durham pensioners of the government’s decision to withdraw the Winter Fuel Payment to those pensioners not in receipt of Pension Credit.


Consequently, this council calls on the government to reverse its decision to withdraw the Winter Fuel Payment from non-Pension Credit pensioners pending the outcome of an options appraisal and a comprehensive equalities and impact assessment.