Agenda item

Report from the Cabinet


The Council noted a report from the Cabinet which provided information on issues considered at its meeting held on 10 July 2024 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Chair announced that one question has been received in relation to Item 7 of the Cabinet report.


Councillor D Wood asked what feedback from residents, elected members and AAPs was considered in the 8 months since full council voted unanimously for Free After 2pm parking to be reintroduced in County Durham for towns such as Chester-le-Street.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships, Councillor E Scott provided the following response:


At County Council on 14th January this year, Cabinet accepted a motion, which was approved after a vote, to reconsider the decision to end Free After 2pm. Full council did not vote unanimously for Free After 2pm parking to be reintroduced.


Following the removal of Free After 2pm in off street car parks on 1st January 2024, Parking Services received 9 complaints via direct email, an MP, the CRM system, and corporate complaints. Residents may have contacted Councillors about removal of the initiative, however, no cases had been logged via Member Services.


The impact of the temporary Free After 2pm initiative, and its removal, had now been assessed in light of:


                The original decision to implement the temporary measure as a stimulus to support the economic recovery from the global pandemic.

                Governments removal of all covid restrictions

                The lack of evidence linking changes in car park charges to changes in town centre footfall

                The costs of delivering a parking regime and the Secretary of State’s expectation that neither national or local taxpayers should meet any deficit in the parking account

                Our Declared Climate Emergency and the fact that transport emissions account for 33% of all emissions in County Durham

                The need to balance the economic vitality of commercial centres and the environmental impact in providing a scheme that incentivises people to drive

                The fact that Park and Ride usage increased when Free after 2pm on street was removed.

                From the data available, car park usage, in 2024/25 is expected to exceed pre-pandemic levels.


A report was considered by Cabinet on 18 September 2024 where Cabinet concluded that the decision to remove the initiative was the correct decision when reviewed against the available evidence.  She added that if members of the opposition had attended Cabinet they would have been aware of this information.


Councillor Wood confirmed that he had read the Cabinet papers and was concerned that no consultations had taken place before September 2024.  He asked why the Cabinet members thought they knew what was best for Chester-le-Street than the local members and the Area Action Partnership.


Councillor Scott confirmed that nine representations had been made about the changes and she would be happy to share the responses with Councillor Wood.

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