Agenda item

6/2012/0047/DM - Land at High Riggs, Barnard Castle

Residential development comprising 100 no. dwellings (30 affordable) and associated infrastructure


Residential Development Comprising 100 No. Dwellings (30 Affordable) and Associated Infrastructure


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


The Committee was advised of an additional condition which would require the submission of a landscape management plan by the applicant.


Councillor J Watson, Barnard Castle Town Council stated that whilst the proposal was in an area of high landscape value and outside the settlement limits of the town, this application should be supported. He accepted that it had been identified as an ‘amber’ rated site for development in the SHLAA but noted that other ‘green light’ sites were not immediately available.


The Town Council welcomed the provision of affordable housing, particularly in view of rising house prices in Barnard Castle. They were satisfied with proposals relating to rainwater retention, soft landscaping and access, although would like to see improvements to the pedestrian refuge.


The Town Council was of the view that more 3 bedroomed houses should be provided to assist first time buyers and welcomed the Section 106 contribution towards play areas and allotments.  


R Hanley spoke on behalf of local residents against the application. She explained that this was a rural, beautiful setting in an area of high landscape value, outside settlement limits. If approved, she was concerned that a precedent would be set to develop other Greenfield sites. 10 other sites had been identified for development which were more suitable. This site was located at an entrance to the town and tourists would be greeted by a new housing estate which was out of character with other dwellings in Barnard Castle.


The materials for the bungalows were not typical to the area and the application was contrary to Local Plan Policy GD1. The developers had consulted with residents but she believed that it had been progressed without their needs being taken into account.


Mr Driver, the applicant’s agent stated that the developers were committed to the project and following consultation with residents had taken on board their comments and incorporated them into the final proposals. The bungalows would be located 44m away from the houses on Darlington Road, and therefore exceeded recommended privacy distances. The objections had been made by residents of Darlington Road and did not represent the views of the whole town.   


Affordable housing was to be provided with a 50:50 split between social rented and intermediate housing. This was unusual but there was a recognised need for this in the area to assist young people onto the housing property ladder. Materials would be locally sourced where possible and the design and layout was deemed to be acceptable by Planning Officers.


In response to a question Mr Driver confirmed that they would also look at a contribution to Marwood Parish Council as part of the Section 106 Agreement.       


D Stewart, Highways Officer responded to Barnard Castle Town Council’s comments in relation to the pedestrian refuge. He advised that there was a pedestrian refuge to the west of the development site which pedestrians could use to cross the road before reaching the busy main road near the petrol station. This was deemed to be acceptable in terms of highway safety.


In discussing the application Members considered that the concerns of the objectors had been addressed by the developer and welcomed the proposal for affordable housing on this site.




That the application be approved, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure a scheme for the provision of 30 affordable dwellings and to the conditions outlined in the report. Such conditions to include the following:-


‘A landscape management plan, including management and maintenance responsibilities and schedules for all landscape areas, other than small, privately owned, domestic gardens, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to the occupation of the development or any phase of the development, whichever is the sooner, for its permitted use. The landscape management plan shall be carried out as approved.


Reason - To ensure the open space and landscape areas within the development are appropriately managed and maintained in the interests of visual amenity. In accordance with policies GD1 and H12 of the Teesdale District Local Plan 2002 (as Saved and Amended)’.





Supporting documents: