The Committee received a joint report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration, Economy and Growth and the Corporate Director of Resources which provided an update on the Council’s Health, Safety
and Wellbeing (HSW) performance for Quarter one 2024/25 (for copy see file of minutes).
Mr F Barnish asked if route cause analysis had been applied to incidents.
The Corporate Health and Safety Compliance Manager confirmed that a route cause analysis had been applied when the Council looked at more serious incidents and this determined how formally they were dealt with.
Mr F Barnish commented on employee absenteeism. He noted that the success rate at getting staff back to work was down to the level of support offered through telephone support lines and occupational psychology. He asked who looked at these trends.
The Corporate Health and Safety Compliance Manager confirmed that it was Human Resources who looked at these trends proactively with all services as there were different levels to consider.
P Darby mentioned that the scrutiny committee had regularly reviewed performance in terms of sick absenteeism and what drove it. This included scrutiny of the policies and programmes that were in place to ensure they were adequate.
Mr I Rudd commented that the trends seemed positive.
P Darby responded that levels were the same from the last quarter but had been low during covid as people had worked from home. Numbers fluctuated but generally increased slightly in flu season.
Councillor A Watson asked if the Council employed qualified staff who dealt with mental health issues or whether this was a bought in service.
P Darby replied that occupational health had access into mental health services that was provided by a third-party organisation. Awareness of Mental Health was raised at every level of management within the Council and was something that was focussed on.
The Corporate Health and Safety Compliance Manager stated that staff absent from work through mental health issues were not, in the main, work related. He added that the Council had a network of mental health first aiders which went above and beyond what the Council had to provide. Staff could be supported through specialised cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and a wraparound support service if they needed it.
Mr F Barnish asked what the numerical difference was between male and females employed by the Council.
P Darby confirmed that there were 64% female employees and 36% males employed by the council.
That the report be noted.
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