The Committee considered a report of the Chief Executive which detailed progress towards achieving the strategic ambitions and objectives, set out in the Council Plan 2024-28, during the first quarter of 2024/25 (for copy of report see file of minutes).
Introducing the report, Gemma Wilkinson, Strategy Team Leader, highlighted key performance outcomes. During the quarter, the visitor economy continued to grow, with increased attendances at cultural venues. ‘The Story’ venue opened during the quarter and visitor numbers would be available in quarter two.
Whilst average occupancy rate and average yield across cinema screenings were worse than target, average yield had increased compared to the same period last year. Special screenings at the Gala Theatre and Cinema were particularly well received.
In respect of performance relating to the environment, the amount of domestic waste diverted from landfill was better than target; the amount of waste collected remained consistent and the contamination rate had continued on a downward trend.
The household recycling rate was worse than the same period last year, although performance was significantly better than the north east average. The report provided details of ongoing initiatives to promote household recycling.
The report noted that fly-tipping levels remained low whilst environmental cleanliness was high and 54% of private sector rented properties were now covered under the selective licensing scheme.
A 37% increase in the number of people using the Park and Ride facility was reported, compared to the same period last year, with the service from Belmont to Sniperley being extended to include Sundays and bank holidays. It was also reported that bus patronage and punctuality had improved and the work with neighbouring local authorities to implement the Bus Service Improvement Plan continued.
Following on from the earlier presentation from Highway colleagues, the Strategy Team Leader reported that response times to rectify category two highway defects were better than the same period last year.
Thanking the Strategy Team Leader for the report, the Chair invited questions and comments.
Councillor Nicholls expressed concern that the contamination rate of recyclate, at approximately 33%, remained high and he asked what more could be done to address the issue. He added that he was pleased to see that the Council was progressing the implementation of food waste collections and he sought clarification on the timescales.
The Strategy Team Leader responded that, under the new legislation, all Councils were required to introduce weekly household food waste collections by 31 March 2026, and by March 2025 for large businesses. The government’s Simpler Recycling reforms aimed to ensure minimum standards and to allow packaging to be standardised, making it easier for householders to be better informed about what can and cannot be recycled.
The Strategy Team Leader pointed out that further information on the initiatives introduced by the Council to educate and encourage the public to reduce contamination were included in the report, however, she would be happy to provide further information, if required.
The Chair informed the Committee that full details of the future waste collection changes were available in the report to Cabinet dated 18 September 2024.
Councillor Nicholls commented that the reported increase in bus patronage was contrary to the narrative from bus operators who had repeatedly told him that the public were not using buses.
Referring to the streetscape surveys, Councillor Nicholls was surprised to see that some areas were reporting 100% acceptable in terms of dog-fouling and he added that was not the case on the streets in his division. The Strategy Team Leader clarified that the surveys were based on sample areas and the same criteria was used by all local authorities for benchmarking purposes. She added that she would seek further information from the service as to the definition of ‘acceptable.’ The Chair encouraged members to continue to report issues through the appropriate channels.
The Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the overall position and the direction of travel in relation to quarter one performance and the actions being taken to address areas of challenge.
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