Agenda item

Review of the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which presented the revised Statement of Licensing Policy and sought its adoption (for copy see file of Minutes)


The Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change presented the final draft statement of licensing policy for the period 2024 – 2029.


The Licensing Act 2003 required local authorities to publish a Statement of Licensing Policy every five years and as the current policy was published in October 2019, a new policy would be required no later than October 2024.


An extensive consultation exercise had been carried out and responses had been considered and where appropriate incorporated into the new draft policy in Appendix 2.


There were no significant changes proposed in the new policy other than minor amendments and the provision of additional guidance as outlined in paragraph 21 within the report.


As part of the policy consultation, some organisations in the City of Durham had called for the council to introduce a late-night levy (LNL) and consider the introduction of a cumulative impact policy (CIP). These were discretionary tools that licensing authorities could adopt if there was sufficient evidence available to substantiate such measures. This could be a lengthy process which would require significant assistance from a wide range of partners and other council services.


The draft statement of licensing policy was considered and endorsed for recommendation to full Council by the Statutory Licensing Committee on 15 July 2024.


At that meeting, the Committee also determined that consideration of both the Late Night Levy and the Cumulative Impact Policy should take place at a later date to allow for the draft policy to be adopted before the statutory deadline of October 2024 and also to take into account new commercial developments in the city centre.   This approach had been supported by the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office which was a statutory consultee for issues relating to both the Levy and Cumulative Impact Policies.


Councillor D Brown, Chair of the Statutory Licensing Committee reported that this Statement of Licensing Policy confirmed the Council’s commitment to promoting the four statutory licensing objectives and in doing so prevent crime and disorder, promote public safety, prevent public nuisance and protect children from harm. It was vital that the Council regularly reviewed this policy and had in place a clear and robust framework to assist decision making and to support effective regulation of licensed premises and activities to ensure that they were safe and well run and continued to support the local economy and vibrancy of the County.


Councillor Brown acknowledged that further work would be required around the need for a late night levy or cumulative impact policy and should sufficient evidence be obtained then this would be considered and potentially incorporated into the main policy at a later date.


He thanked the members of the Statutory Licensing Committee for their ongoing dedication to the Council in developing this policy and to the Council officers involved in undertaking this review.  This policy had been developed following extensive consultation and reflected current national guidance and best practice. He Moved the report and proposed this policy for adoption by the Council.


Councillor J Shuttleworth said that this policy promoted effective and responsible management of licensed premises and regulated activities throughout the County and had been reviewed having had regard to the statutory guidance, the licensing objectives and to the views of those consulted.  He extended his thanks to the members of Statutory Licensing Committee and officers involved and he Seconded the report.


Referring to the timeline, Councillor R Crute said that should members have any questions about the changes there would be no time to respond.  The Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods of Climate Change advised that the submission was late but still in time to respond by the statutory deadline, and confirmed that the consultation had started over a year ago so had taken on board all points raised.



That the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, as contained in Appendix 2, be agreed and adopted.

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