The Panel received the quarter one performance report, presented by Helen McAloon, Strategy Team Leader (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).
The Strategy Team Leader delivered a presentation on quarter one performance from April 2024 to June 2024, with performance being measured against the Local Government Association’s Key Lines of Enquiry.
The Panel noted that whilst the number of children in our care had increased, compared with the same period last year, activity had slowed since April 2024 and there had been an increase in the number of under 1s entering care as a percentage of all starts. The number of young people receiving an initial health assessment within 20 working days of entering care had increased to almost 75%. The majority of children looked after were fostered, within in-house provision and, with the number of young people having three or more homes in one year being just above benchmarks, placement stability remained an area of focus.
The number of young people going missing and missing episodes had decreased in May and June which opposed the usual trend which observed a higher volume of missing episodes during the summer. The proportion of care leavers who were in suitable accommodation was above benchmarks, however, the proportion of care leavers in education, employment or training was below benchmarks.
Cory asked why it was necessary to compare performance, locally and nationally. The Strategy Team Leader clarified that benchmarking data was used to set key performance drivers. The data was also used to compare Durham’s performance to that of neighbouring authorities and also how Durham’s performance compared to local authorities in other parts of the country which were considered to be statistical neighbours, in that they were considered to have similar characteristics to Durham. Benchmarking data was also used by the government to hold local authorities to account.
Cory referred to the 45% of 19-21 year olds who were not in education, employment or training and he asked what action was being taken to improve their outcomes. The Panel noted that reports would be considered in the new year on the Virtual School and the work being undertaken to increase opportunities for care leavers in terms of education, employment and training.
Councillor Deinali asked how the data contained in the report was used to plan ahead and the Practice Lead highlighted that the information was used to inform quality assurance, future improvement plans and the Corporate Parenting strategy.
Courtny raised concern about young people who go missing during the winter and she asked what was being done to tackle the issue.
The Practice Lead responded that a dedicated team of staff work with those who go missing from home and guidance stated that young people should be offered a return home meeting with an independent person, within 72 hours of their return home. Information gathered from the meetings was used to analyse how the service could provide the appropriate support to young people and it may reveal wider issues. Courtny questioned why return to home interviews were carried out by an independent person rather than someone known to and trusted by the young person. The Practice Lead responded that the guidance specified that the meetings should be with an independent person who was trained to take an objective view and therefore could support the young person, whilst remaining independent.
Councillor Varty asked whether the service linked with transport providers as she had heard reports that transport workers were not reporting young people who they suspected were missing from home, to the necessary authorities. The Practice Lead clarified that transport providers were contacted in advance to help to locate missing children. In addition, meetings were held with representatives from external agencies to share concerns and information from the police and other agencies was used to identify hotspot areas and specific issues.
That the content of the report and presentation be noted.
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