The Committee received a presentation by S Jacques, Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and M Laing, Interim Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services (for copy of presentation, see file of minutes).
The presentation provided members with the context, learning from last year, governance and partner plans that included Health and Social Care and other services.
Following the presentation, Members’ questions were invited.
Councillor Stubbs referred to the standardised approach of procedures across the region and asked if there was any evidence to show that operating within the ICB structure had offered any benefits to this planning.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust responded that the ICB had convened some peer-to-peer learning events and brought people together from across the region. She provided an example of ambulance handovers being a challenge everywhere and the ICB brought everyone together to ask what everyone was doing and see what could be done. She continued that ICB could convene partners when one area was struggling more than others and have a strategic demand centre that allows them visability of what is happening and allows support to people who need help by convening partners day or night.
Councillor Quinn stated that it was reassuring to know that lessons had been learnt from the past and moved forward. She then provided details of a service that was provided by the pharmacy for an elderly person that had now been withdrawn and the alternative provision was not suitable. She also stated that it was worrying that services were promoted by pharmacies, but other services removed.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust responded that pharmacies were independent organisations and there was currently a level of dispute between pharmacies and the government. She would investigate an alternative provision for the elderly lady and indicated that it appeared that the alternative provision was put in place as a short-term solution.
Councillor Quinn referred to some medications no longer been available on prescription and her concern was that if you were in hospital, the medication was not prescribed so would not be given to you by the hospital. She also indicated that councillors know their communities and knew those people that were vulnerable.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust responded that they were aware of the brilliant work done on the ground and may loop back in terms of communication.
S Burns, Joint Head of Integrated Strategic Commissioning, County Durham Care Partnership, Durham County Council and North East and North Cumbria ICB explained why some drugs were no longer available on prescription and why some services were no longer available at pharmacies. She stated that she would investigate a more sustainable option for the elderly lady. Regarding medication no longer on prescription she indicated that it should still be on patients records and would take this away.
In response to a question from Ms Stobbart, the Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust indicated that the Communication Plan was designed to be solid and would share more details of the plan with some members to see if more could be done or what the plan looks like.
Councillor Earley asked if the beds at Shotley Bridge had been increased to 24.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust responded that they know they can increase the beds but were not at 24 yet.
In response to a further question from Councillor Earley, the Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust indicated that if you look over time, they had more presentations this year than last year but not as much as they planned for in terms of emergency presentations. The demographic was an ageing one and indicated that some of the same day services were not available years ago and were good in turning people around and keeping people independent and in their normal place of residence wherever possible.
Councillor Hovvels stated that local plans work best on the ground and indicated that some parishes and community organisations do not have emergency plans in place. She encouraged everyone to make sure emergency plans are in place. She continued around utility services and priority to some people and asked what work had been done with utility providers.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust indicated that these people were known to the utility providers and received priority.
Councillor Hovvels then referred to mental health and hospitals and asked how hospitals managed their heating as she was aware of some patients been cold in hospital.
Officers responded that they had not heard of patients being cold but would pick this up and advised members that hospitals had back up plans such as generators and that the heating in hospitals should be on all the time.
Councillor Haney referred to UHND having 5 beds in 4 bed bays and asked how routine this appeared to be. He then referred to Shotley Bridge Hospital and the fear that the new build would not happen and indicated if there were 5 beds in 4 bays why don’t they utilise Shotley Bridge if additional beds had been identified.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust responded that she was unable to provide statistics but indicated that where they had 5 beds in 4 bed bays this was only done when the space had been risk assessed. She would come back to Councillor Haney on how often this was the case, stressing that this was only done in exceptional circumstances.
Councillor Haney asked for an update on Shotley Bridge Hospital.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust indicated that the national programme had been paused and a review undertaken, and Shotley Bridge Hospital was part of that review. They did not have a date for the conclusion of the review and the Trust would respond when they received the details of the review. If the new build of Shotley Bridge was not supported there needed to be a Plan B for the existing hospital.
J Curry, Programme Manager, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust indicated that they were absolutely committed to the new hospital as an organisation and were waiting to hear the outcome of the review which she believed would be in the coming weeks. There were no funds to further develop a scheme in this financial year and were limited as to what they could do.
Councillor Higgins referred to his electoral division and how residents are no longer offered a choice of hospital when admitted by ambulance and must now go to UHND.
The Chief Executive County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust indicated that she was not aware that a choice was given but would investigate this.
The Chair asked if vaccinations were offered to agency staff in hospitals and social care providers.
The Interim Corporate Director of Adults and Health Services advised that vaccinations were offered to agency workers and provided details of the vaccination programme.
The Joint Head of Integrated Strategic Commissioning, County Durham Care Partnership, Durham County Council and North East and North Cumbria ICB advised that she would not be surprised if part of the criteria for agency staff in care homes was that they had to be vaccinated.
Resolved: That the contents of the presentation be noted and agreed that a further report be brought back to the Committee in spring 2025 to assess the effectiveness of the winter planning arrangements.
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