Detailed planning application for the erection of 53no. 2, 3 and 4 bedroom two-storey dwellings with associated works.
The committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer which was a detailed planning application for the erection of 53no. 2, 3 and 4 bedroom two storey dwellings with associated works on land to the South Of Dean Road, Ferryhill, DL17 8ES (for copy see file of minutes).
G Spurgeon, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included the site location, aerial photographs, site photographs, proposed layout to the site and the proposed house types. A site visit had taken place prior to the committee meeting to enable Members to assess the impact of the proposed development and the relationship with their surroundings. The proposal was for 53 dwellings which had been reduced from 62. An area was to be created for a children’s play space and a SuDs basin. There was a formal path to connect the development to the main road near a bus stop and sustainable travel. There were no objections from the Highways Authority, Coal Authority or the Lead Local Flood Authority. There were five letters of objection and one letter neither objecting nor supporting the application received. The application was subject to financial contribution requests from education and the NHS. It was officers’ recommendation to approve the application subject to conditions within the report.
There were no registered speakers therefore the Chair opened up the committee to questions and debate.
Councillor E Adam stated that the application seemed straight forward withaccess to sustainable transport. He requested that the applicant improve the muddy footpath that linked the development to the bus stop to allow better accessibility for wheelchair users with dolomite or tarmac. However he understood that it may not be in the applicant’s ownership.
The Principal Planning Officer responded that there was already an existing established road linking the development to the bus stop within 400 metres which fell within the recommended distance. The grassed path was an informal route which was slightly more direct at 350 metres and may not suitable for wheelchair users. Given that a route within the recommended 40m distance would be available and suitable for all users this would not be added as a condition to the application.
The applicant confirmed that the path was not under their control and would be difficult to repair. There was another route available on an existing established road.
Councillor L Brown asked what the speed limit was on the main road that accessed the development, whether the visibility was adequate, the junction could take the additional traffic and queried whether solar panels would also be installed on the properties.
D Battensby confirmed that the junction had been designed to highway standards appropriate for a junction with the A167 and incorporated a protected right turn with a pocket available in the middle of the road for turning traffic. In terms of capacity the main access road had been assessed as part of phase one of the development and the modelling took into account the traffic generation for all phases of the complete site. The visibility at the junction had been based on the 85% percentile speed and not the posted speed limit as vehicle speeds can vary from the 40mph speed limit.
Councillor L Brown commented that the application had received three red marks by the Internal Design Review Panel and asked how these had been resolved to warrant officers’ approval.
The Principal Planning Officer explained that the red scores had been resolved as a hedgerow was now proposed to be planted along the eastern boundary of the site, and due to the presence of bus stops within 400m and frequency of bus services providing regular access to key destinations within the County.
The applicant stated that the installation of air source heat pumps had elevated the development well above the building regulations therefore the properties did not require solar panels as well. Air heat source pumps had been used across other sites successfully however users required educating on how they worked.
Councillor J Atkinson was happy to move the application for approval.
Councillor G Richardson was satisfied with the application and seconded the application for approval.
Councillor E Adam was also happy with the proposal and was in support of approving the application. He asked that the applicant considered a recourse regarding the path.
Councillor L Brown requested that a condition be added to the application for construction to have an 8am start.
The Principal Planning Officer agreed that the new start time could be added to the application.
The Legal Officer (Planning and Highways) asked Councillor J Atkinson as mover and Councillor G Richardson as seconder if they were happy with a construction management plan to be added to the conditions to include a start time of 8am.
Councillors J Atkinson and G Richardson agreed.
Upon a vote it was unanimous;
That the application be APPROVED subject to the completion of legal agreements and conditions as outlined in the report.
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