The Panel considered a report of the Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Panel on the Panel’s Work Programme for 2024/25 (for copy see file of minutes).
The Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Panel noted that it had been agreed that the work programme would remain as a standing agenda item, to allow for any new issues to be addressed and to help prioritise the work of the Panel. She noted that the domestic violence had been raised as an issue the Panel wished to have further information and asked Members for their comments.
Councillor D Nicholls noted it had been an issue he had raised and noted the work of a number of pilot schemes around the country, including one he believed to be in Nottinghamshire. He noted there was a new Government with an Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls and therefore he felt it would be important for the Panel to have the most up-to-date context in this regard.
The Clerk and Monitoring Officer noted that Councillor D Nicholls could speak with the OPCC and then, with the agreement of the chair and Vice-Chair further information could come back to Members, likely the march meeting of the Panel.
Councillor D Nicholls asked if Force processes in terms of dealing with those people with mental health issues could be looked at by the Panel. The Chief of Staff, OPCC A Petty noted that a report relating to ‘Right Care, Right Person’ had been considered by the Panel at its meeting in June. Councillor D Nicholls asked if this was an issue that could come back to the Panel for an update. The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Stephen Gwillym noted that ‘Right Care, Right Person’ was only recently in effect, September 2024 and therefore a further report could be table for a future meeting, once more progress had been made on implementation. The Chief of Staff, OPCC A Petty noted that Phases Three and Four would go live in February 2025. The Clerk and Monitoring Officer noted that if the Panel wished, the matter could be one for consideration when setting the work programme for 2025/26. Members agreed.
That the report be noted.
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