Agenda item

Quarter 4, 2011/12 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – presented by Graham Tebbutt, Customer and Services Intelligence Manager, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chair introduced the Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance, Andy Palmer who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 4, 2011/12 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of minutes).


The Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance reminded Members of the changes in performance reporting with target and tracker performance indicators and noted that the developments since the Quarter 3 report were the feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board Workshop looking at the performance framework and reporting; specific performance indicators relating to the Capital Programme; issues with Tourism; and, as reported within the media relations item, development plans for Barnard Castle, showing that while Durham City was an economic driver it was not the only place for development.


The Committee learned that the key achievements in Quarter 4 were:


·        The 100% Decent Homes Standard being maintained for Durham City Homes (DCH) together with Dale and Valley Homes (DVH) and East Durham Homes (EDH) surpassing their year end targets.

·        The number of private rented sector properties having been improved by Local Authority intervention had exceeded year end targets.

·        Good progress regarding the “whole town” approach to regeneration, with projects at Stanley, Seaham North Dock and various sites at Bishop Auckland and Newton Aycliffe.

·        Significantly increased support for Tourism businesses.

·        Additional support in tackling homelessness in light of Welfare Reform (£1.8m to improve temporary accommodation), noting no major increase in presentations.

·        Phase 1 of the capital refurbishment of business sites being complete, surveys and designs for Phase 2 underway to be completed March 2013.


The Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance explained that key performance issues going forward were:


·        The number of empty properties being brought back into use as a result of Local Authority intervention was 44 against a target of 80, noting the poor performance during the Housing Renewal service restructure in Quarters 1-3.

·        The processing of major planning applications had shown a slight increase in performance, though was still below target.  Moves to an integrated Planning IT system, consolidation of offices and a project managed approach through Planning Performance Agreements were steps being taken to increase performance.

·        The percentage of bus services running on time was 88.1% with the target being 95%.  It was explained that it was thought that there may have been traffic issues in Quarter 3 at Durham bus station and at Bishop Auckland which may have been due to local road network issue.

·        Deletion of a key action from the Council Plan, following the Appeal of the Bradley Opencast site, the proposed access improvement works to the A692 corridor have been withdrawn.


Member noted the Tracker Indicators set out at paragraph 9 of the report in relation to the continued rise in the number of 18-24 year olds claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA).  It was added that the Committee had looked at the issue and the Council had an Apprentice Programme in place (County Durham Apprenticeship Programme), and also was a partner in delivering the Government’s “Work Programme” in relation to employment.  The Committee learned that Child Poverty was also increasing and that there was a slight delay in the signing of contracts between the Government and Hitachi, with Hitachi beginning to engage with local Colleges and supply chain manufacturers.  


The Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance concluded by highlighting the key risks, those included the loss of Area Based Grant (ABG) funding; the worsening condition of Seaham North Pier and the ramifications for economic regeneration in the area; worsening private housing stock condition; and diminishing capital resources and depressed land values impacting upon the deliverability of major projects and town initiatives within proposed timescales.


The Chair thanked the Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance and asked Members for their questions. 


Members asked questions relating to the youth unemployment, major planning applications, Seaham North Dock, progress at Spennymoor and Hitachi.  The Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance reminded Members of the work of the Committee looking at youth unemployment and the mitigation steps being taken by planning services.  Members noted that the potential risk at Seaham North Pier had been highlighted and the Council would liaise with the North Dock Company and the Environment Agency accordingly.  Members noted that they would be informed of progress on the North Dock opening, delayed from the end of June 2012.  Councillors were informed that the Economic Regeneration Manager was working on an Investment Plan for Spennymoor, and that all of the 12 major settlements would be addressed similarly, with reports to go to Cabinet. 


The Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance concluded by noting that the delay in signing the Hitachi contract had not detracted from the process of identifying skills that were required, working with local Colleges on initiatives such as advanced apprenticeships and on issues such as securing further European funding.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Stephen Gwillym referred to Appendix 5 which gave feedback relating to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board workshop session that had looked at the issues around performance indicators and reporting to Committee. 

Members noted that the overall response had been fed back to Cabinet, with each thematic group receiving feedback at the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee.




That the report be noted.


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