Agenda item

Durham Key Options - Lettings - Policy Changes

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development, presented by David Randall, Senior Policy Officer, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chair introduced the Senior Policy Officer, Regeneration and Economic Development, David Randall, who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the proposed changes to the Durham Key Options (DKO) Letting Policy (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Policy Officer referred Members to the report within the agenda papers noting that the proposals were for the 9 Bands within the Lettings Policy to be reduced to 5 Bands, A to E, with the new Band E to represent those adequately housed.  It was added that this would represent around 8,000 of the 19,000 within the DKO scheme, 37% being owner/occupier, 15% being Council lets, 16% being Housing Associations and the remaining 32% being the private rented sector.  Members noted that while there was provision within the Localism Act to remove Band E it had been agreed to retain Band E for County Durham as it would allow harder-to-let properties to become occupied.


The Committee noted that there were around 500 people within the existing Band F (June 2012), the reduced preference Band for those with rent arrears or in cases of anti-social behaviour (ASB).  It was noted that Officers and Partners would be reviewing this Band, with around 50% to move from the reduced preference Band, though there could be grounds for disqualification from the register where 8 weeks rent or mortgage was in arrears.


Members learned that there would be a few changes to priority groups, with priority transfers for high demand properties, temporarily moving some into Band A for up to 12 months in order to free up those in-demand properties, linking to Bands B and C regarding stock issues and under-occupancy.  The Senior Policy Officer added that in respect of Armed Forces, since the report within the agenda papers was printed, guidance from Government has been published with higher preferences for those serving in the Armed Forces, those injured whilst serving, the spouses and civil partners of those killed in service and members of the Reserve Forces.  It was noted that while this was not thought to represent a large number of people, Government guidance did not seem to stipulate any time limits on qualifying for such increase preference so the situation would be monitored accordingly.


The Committee noted that there would also be increase preference for those offering a “positive contribution” though full-time employment addressing a skills gap within the County; those volunteering; and those in training that would provide further people to plug the identified skills gap.  Members were reminded of the homelessness duty of the Authority and that partners had agreed to amend this as such to allow the time given to bid for a property would be reduced from 12 weeks to 4 weeks, unless the person was in an established vulnerable group.


The Senior Policy Officer concluded by explaining that DKO partners were consulting with their tenants and applicants as regards the proposed changes until the end of August 2012. 


Members appreciated that in parallel to this, the Council’s Housing Solutions Core Team would consult with Third Sector organisations and that when both were completed, the final version of the DKO Lettings Policy would be prepared and a report would be submitted to Cabinet in November 2012 and to the various Partner Board meetings in addition.


The Chair thanked the Senior Policy Officer and asked Members for their questions. 


Members raised issues such as occupation of “aged persons bungalows” and “aged people areas” and an increased priority for those moving from situations of under-occupancy to more suitable accommodation. 


The Core Team Manager noted that in the cases of specific properties Members could approach Officers with details; however in general, issues of subletting or ASB would be dealt with as a matter of breaches of an individual’s Tenancy Agreement.  It was added that also it was shown that having a mixed range of ages within and area was preferable and that as mentioned, the new threshold of 8 weeks rent arrears would give greater flexibility in dealing with nuisance tenants. 


The Core Team Manager noted that in relation to priority for those wishing to move from properties in an under-occupancy situation; those in Band B would still need to bid and while there were quotas in place, though the situation would need to be monitored.




(i)         That additional information in relation to Armed Forces Personnel and “Positive Contribution” be circulated to Members of the Committee.

(ii)        That the Committee endorse the proposed DKO consultation questions.

(iii)       That a further report outlining the results of the Durham Key Options Lettings Policy consultation exercise be brought to a future meeting of the Committee.



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