Agenda item

Stock Options Appraisal - Update

(i)         Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of          Regeneration and Economic Development.

(ii)        Presentation by Marie Roe, Housing Stock Options Manager, Durham            County Council.


The Chair introduced the Housing Stock Option Appraisal Project Manager, Marie Roe, who was in attendance to give a presentation to Members in relation to the progress of the Stock Options Appraisal (SOA) Project (for copy see file of minutes).


The SOA Project Manager reminded Members that there had been a significant amount of consultation in regards to the SOA, representing 19,000 properties within the County, and that Councillors would be updated on progress since the last presentation to Committee in February 2012. 


Members were reminded that at Cabinet held on 14 December 2011, 3 key recommendations had been made in relation to the changes in the subsidy for Local Authority housing provision in England; a review of the Housing Management Arrangements; and options for stock transfer.  Councillors noted that the membership of the Project Board reflected the high level strategic nature of the project, with the Board including the Portfolio Holder, Councillor C Robson, the Assistant Chief Executive; the Corporate Director: Resources; and the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development, together with customer representation.  The Committee noted the projects completed thus far, including the agreement of project plans; agreement of key messages such as this being the largest SOA project in England; and the allocation of the Board as the key decision making group.


The SOA Project Manager explained that the Project Board had set up Task and Finish Groups that report back to the Steering Group, which also included customer and staff representation.  Members learned that this included Asset Management, Housing Management and Stock Transfer Task and Finish Groups together with sub-groups looking at issues such as the Draft Durham Standard and Sustainability Matrix (to deliver consistency) and identifying costs and identifying areas of need.


It was noted that other issues looked at within the sub-groups would include: refining objectives to ensure that they were what was needed; visiting other organisations (examples being Leeds and Halifax) to learn from their experiences of SOA and stock transfers; and to test models of the options to transfer or retain stock.


The Committee noted that the Steering Group was the major consultative group and had developed a detailed Option Risk Register and a comprehensive Communication Strategy.  Members were reminded that around 2,500 people had attended the various consultation events.  It was added that in addition to monitoring the Task and Finish Groups, the Steering Group also considered the financial and legal advice given, providing challenge in this respect, and also explored the potential governance arrangements for the options being considered.  Members learned that the Steering Group would provide recommendations to Cabinet in November 2012 in respect of potential options.



The SOA Project Manager explained that, in addition, there was a separate Customer Working Group that had procured, appointed and managed the Independent Tenant Advisor (ITA), Open Communities in line with best practise.  It was added that the Customer Working Group had also reviewed the Tenant Empowerment Statement and was working on a refresh of this while also developing a communication programme for customers.


Members noted the next steps were to continue to work with stakeholders to test options; to bring forward the stakeholders preferred options for transfer or retention to Cabinet in Autumn 2012 and to review governance arrangements, planning for continued stakeholder involvement in the implementation of agreed options.


The Committee thanked the SOA Project Manager for her work in this regard and appreciated that it was a difficult and complicated process and looked forward to further information on the lessons learned from other Local Authorities and organisations in their SOA and transfer projects in due course.




(i)         That the Members of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the information provided in the presentation and report.

(ii)        That Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive a further progress update in relation to the Stock Options Appraisal Project at the meeting on the 19 November 2012.



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