Agenda item

DM/23/02510/FPA - Land South-West of West Farm, Stainton, DL12 8RD

Construction of a solar farm of circa 16MW, Battery Energy Storage System, and associated infrastructure


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer with regards to construction of a solar farm of circa 16MW, Battery Energy Storage System, and associated infrastructure on Land South of West Farm, Stainton (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included a site location plan, site photographs and a proposed site layout plan.


Councillor Rowlandson addressed the Committee as Local Member and Chair of Stainton and Streatlam Parish Council.  The Parish Council had held a meeting to gauge the opinion of over 100 residents in Stainton Village and Stainton Grove.  A large proportion of the comments had been in favour of the scheme however those directly affected by development had objected and suggested further planting of mature trees would mitigate the detrimental view from properties.  The developer had been keen to suggest this could be done.  The community benefit fund was a meagre amount and the developer had suggested that this could be negotiated, yet the Parish Council had not received any further communication.  As a County Councillor he was in favour of the scheme as it would assist with one of the biggest employers in the area to mitigate costs and secure the future of largest plant in Barnard Castle.


Ms Lapsey addressed the Committee on behalf of the Applicant and confirmed that the scheme would secure long term renewable energy to a site that incurred significant energy costs.  The energy produced by the site would meet 52% of the annual demand.  Existing footpaths were protected and a new footpath would provide access to and across the site and link to the wider network.  The application offered many benefits and provided 80% real carbon reductions and the reliance on fossil fuels.  The scheme also provided a community benefit fund to neighbouring villages and biodiversity improvements.  It would continue to support agriculture with the provision for sheep grazing and the current soil classification would be enhanced through a condition.


In response to a query from Councillor Bell regarding land ownership, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the land was owned by the farm with a long-term agreement for all energy produced to be supplied for factory use only. If there was an over provision it would be sleeved to another GSK factory and not directed into the national grid.  The direct supply to the factory had been awarded significant weight in the planning balance and therefore was conditioned.


Councillor Martin advised that whilst there was a downside to the application which would impact on the countryside views, it would directly benefit a local organisation that brought economic benefits to County Durham and the immediate area and overall was a positive scheme.  He moved the recommendation to approve the application which was seconded by Councillor Shaw.


Councillor Oliver reiterated that the scheme was a different context to the solar farm within his ward, with more generous community benefits and the environmental aspect of the case was crucial and an overwhelming factor in the planning balance.













That application be APPROVED subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 39 of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to secure biodiversity management and monitoring for the life of the development and the conditions outlined in the report.</AI9>





















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