Agenda item

Royal Marine Band Service.


The Clerk to the Charter Trust for the City of Durham submitted a comprehensive report setting out the criteria previously used for granting freedoms and sought members instruction as to whether they wished to offer the Freedom of Entry to the City to the Royal Marine Band (for copy see file of minutes).


The Mayor circulated proposed criteria, which he had obtained from Newcastle City Council’s website which was the criteria used by them.


Trustees discussed the circulated criteria and whether to adopt the same criteria, for the Charter Trust for the City of Durham.


Trustees also considered whether they wished to offer the Freedom of Entry to the City, to the Royal Marine Band Service.




(i) That the following criteria be adopted by the Charter Trust for the City of Durham for considering the granting of Freedom of Entry to the City of Durham.


1.      To recognise and celebrate the long and close links between the City and other organisations.


  1. To recognise and celebrate a contribution to the culture and life of our city and/or an ambassador for our region.


  1. To recognise the unstinting support for local charities by a resident of our city.


  1. To recognise and celebrate a long and outstanding career by someone born and raised in our city.


(ii) That the Freedom of Entry to the City, to the Royal Marine Band Service be not offered at this time.

Supporting documents: