Agenda item

Appeal Update.


Appeals Received


The Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area Office) gave details in relation to the following appeals which had been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.


(i)         Appeal by Mr D Middlemiss

            Site at Seaton Nurseries, Seaton Lane, Seaham, Co. Durham,


            Planning Reference – PL/5/2010/0306


An appeal had been lodged against the Council’s refusal of outline planning permission for residential dwellings with all matters reserved at the above site.


Planning permission was refused as it was considered that the proposal would result in residential development outside the established settlement boundaries as identified in the District of Easington Local Plan and had limited access to community facilities, shops and public transport.


The appeal was to be dealt with by means of written representation, and members would be informed of the outcome in due course.


(ii)        Appeal by Mr J Oliver

Site at Hastings House Farm, Littletown, Durham, DH6 1QB

Planning Reference – PL/5/2010/0442


An appeal had been lodged against the Council for the non-determination of an application for the change of use from office accommodation and canteen building to include agricultural worker’s accommodation and associated alterations to elevations at the above site.


The appeal was to be dealt with by means of written representations, and members would be informed of the outcome in due course.

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