Agenda item

3/2009/0426 - Former Cemex Concrete Batching Plant, St Helen Way, St Helen Auckland, Bishop Auckland

Proposed redevelopment of former concrete batching plant for the construction of new housing (outline)


Proposed Redevelopment of Former Concrete Batching Plant for the Construction of New Housing (outline)


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site.


The Principal Planning Officer stated that the proposed scheme would achieve a suitable balance between addressing affordability and helping to bring this development forward. A viability assessment carried out had shown that the inclusion of 20% affordable housing would not be viable in view of the current economic climate and site remediation costs.


In discussing the application Members acknowledged that affordable housing was already available within the immediate area, however asked that the Section 106 Agreement make provision for the low cost housing scheme to be implemented on completion of 50% of the overall development.


With regard to a comment from a Member about the density of the site, the Committee was advised that the number and mix of properties was in accordance with the outline planning application granted on 14 January 2010.  Appearance, scale and layout of the development would be dealt with at the reserved matters stage.


In conclusion it was considered that the land was an eyesore and the proposed development would contribute to the ongoing regeneration of the area.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report, and to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement setting out :-


(a)               A contribution of £93,300 to the provision and subsequent maintenance of related social, community and/or recreational facilities in the locality; and

(b)               20% low cost housing provision, to be implemented on completion of 50% of the overall development.

Supporting documents: