Agenda item

3/2012/0110 - St John's RC Comprehensive School, Woodhouse Lane, Bishop Auckland

Erection of three storey classroom block and extension to existing northern elevation


Erection of Three Storey Classroom Block and Extension to Existing Northern Elevation


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site.


In discussing the application Members were advised that the application was in accordance with Policies GD1 and T1 of the former Wear Valley District Local Plan.


Members noted that one letter of objection had been received as detailed in the report. In considering the representations made the Committee noted that the potential for an increase in nuisance caused by pupils gathering in groups along Woodhouse Lane was not a planning consideration. However, notwithstanding this it was pointed out that the number of students at the school would not increase as a result of the development.


With regard to the concerns expressed by the objector relating to traffic problems, Members did not consider that the proposals would have an adverse impact on highway safety. Existing access arrangements were adequate and would not be affected by the development, and parking provision was deemed to be acceptable.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.





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