At a Meeting of the Joint Committee for the North of England Open-Air Museum held in the Collections Study Room, Regional Resource Centre, Beamish Museum on Friday 29 June 2012 at 11.15 a.m.
Councillor D Marshall in the Chair
Members of the Joint Committee
Councillors Bailey, Bell, Blakey, Boyes, Carr, C Marshall, Naylor and Wright (Durham County Council) Goldsworthy, Green and Wallace (substitute for Councillor Craig) (Gateshead MBC), Mortimer (North Tyneside MBC), Maxwell (South Tyneside MBC) R Bell, Richardson, Scott and Walker (Sunderland City Council)
Co-opted Members (Non-Voting)
Beamish Development Trust – Mrs S Stewart
Friends – Mr A Ashburner and Mr M Dix
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Iveson, May, Shuttleworth, Stoker, Thomson, Wilkinson and J Wilson (Durham County Council), Craig (Gateshead Mbc) Cunningham And Kerr (South Tyneside Mbc), Kelly (Sunderland City Council) and Mr S Gray And Mrs E Hunter (Beamish Development Trust)
1 Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 May 2012
The minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
2 Revenue Outturn 2011/2012
The Joint Committee considered a joint report of the Museum Director and Treasurer regarding the Revenue Outturn 2011/2012 (for copy see file of Minutes).
(i) That the Revenue Outturn and variations for 2011/2012 be noted.
(ii) That the Capital Development Reserve position for 2011/2012 and the forecasted position for 2012/13 be noted,
3 Governance Arrangements 2011/2012
The Joint Committee noted a joint report of the Museum Director and Treasurer regarding the Annual Review of the Risk Management and Annual Governance Arrangements (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Museum Director advised that weekly meetings were held to review performance and strategic risks were discussed on a quarterly basis. There were no significant changes to report.
Members were informed about a review to health and safety policy for railways and tramways. A review and introduction of a safety management system was being developed at the Museum.
That the Risk Management Annual Report 2011/12 and the Annual Governance Review 2011/2012 be approved.
4 Annual Return and Accounts 2011/2012 (Subject to Audit)
The Joint Committee considered a report of the Treasurer regarding the Annual Return and Accounts for 2011/2012 (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Treasurer highlighted the four key sections of the accounts and informed Members that the report was positive in terms of Internal Audit and all of the statutory requirements had been included.
That the Annual Return (Subject to Audit) and the Accounts for financial year ended 31 March 2012 be approved.
5 Any Other Business
The Museum Director gave an update on Museum Business. There had been a good start to the year overall and figures for the end of May show an 8% increase. June had been very busy with the bank holidays and Jubilee Week attracting a lot of visitors. ‘One Big event’ was held this week with 10 schools from County Durham taking part in a range of games and activities, attracting good press and publicity for the Museum. There had been an increase in local low income families taking advantage of the return ticket and feedback had shown value for money on the unlimited visits. Income was static with a good return on catering but retail still being affected by the economic climate. If performance continued at the current trend, 520,000+ visitors could be expected in this financial year.
Capital Projects update – the focus this year would be on completing the Town Bakery and Confectioners with a view to opening next year. Further investment was required to complete landscape works and the internal fit-out of Eston Church. The Dunrobin boiler is under repair at the Severn Valleys Railways and prices had been received to rebuild Hetton Band Hall.
Members commented that it was exemplary that the Museum had progressed so well and credit was due to all staff at the Museum.
The Chairman reported that this was his last meeting of the Joint Committee after 3 years of being Chair and being a member of the Committee for the last 11 years. In this time he had seen the Museum go through good and bad times and that it had been excellent seeing the progress over the last few years. He continued saying that the success was due to the commitment and hard work of all staff who were dedicated to the Museum, and that he hoped the success continued. He said that he had been privileged to be Chairman through such an exciting period and would leave with more than a touch of sadness.
The Museum Director thanked the Chairman for his help and support and for his kind words. He spoke on behalf of all Museum staff by adding that it had been excellent working with him and that he would be missed by all.
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