Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0221 - Land on west side, Salters Lane, Shotton Colliery:

Change of Use of Land to a Private Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Site (Resubmission).



The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding the change of use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site (resubmission) at West Side, Salters Lane, Shotton (for copy see file of Minutes).


Mr Alan Dobie, Principal Planning Officer, provided the Committee with a detailed presentation, which included photographs of the site.  Members of the Committee had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor Charlton asked whether the applicant, Mr Lee would be living on the site should the report be approved, and also where Mr Lee was currently living.  The Principal Planning Officer replied that he was not sure where Mr Lee was currently living, but added that he had been moved on from a site in the west of the County and would be living on the site.  The application was for only one family to live on the site.


Councillor Todd, local Member, informed the Committee that there had been a proliferation of traveller’s sites along Salters Lane which was causing great concern among the residents of Shotton and which could result in an adverse effect on the ability of Shotton to attract new businesses and housing development.


Councillor Huntington, local Member, informed the Committee that the proposed site was part of the gateway to Shotton and much work had been carried out to remove derelict buildings to improve this.  Small, random developments like the application being considered did nothing to improve this gateway.  She stressed that she held no negative views about the travelling community, and indeed had supported their rights in the past, but added that the application to be considered was on planning issues.  Approval of the application would detract from the character of the village of Shotton and would be a loss of countryside.


Councillor Blakey expressed concern around highways issues regarding the point of egress from the site.  Salters Lane was an unrestricted 60 m.p.h. road and although there were conditions attached to the planning permission regarding improvements to the visibility splay, she had concerns even if these were carried out.


It was moved by Councillor Blakey, seconded by Councillor Bleasedale that the application be refused.



That the application be refused for the following reasons: highways safety issues – the exit from the site is onto an unrestricted 60 m.p.h. road, the negative effect on the visual amenity of the area and the lack of sustainability of the site.

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