Agenda item

CMA/5/33 - Land to the south of Greenacres, west of Salters Lane and north of Woodland View, Haswell:

Proposed caravan site to accommodate three caravans, two dayrooms, (to be accommodated within the existing haystore) and erection of a three bedroomed chalet and stable block.


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding a proposed caravan site to accommodate three caravans, two dayrooms (to be accommodated within the existing haystore) and erection of a three bedroom chalet and stable block on land to the south of Greenacres, west of Salters Lane and north of Woodland View, Haswell (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor Todd, local Member, informed the Committee of the general perception in the Shotton area that there was a proliferation of this type of development along Salters Lane which were almost joining the villages of Shotton and Haswell and the proposal would not be of benefit to either village.  He referred to the existing building on the site and asked whether this had the benefit of planning permission.


Councillor Huntington, local Member, endorsed the views of Councillor Todd, adding that the local community was unhappy at the number of developments engulfing the countryside.


Mr Stones, agent for the applicant, informed the Committee that there was currently only one approved gypsy site along Salters Lane and the building currently on the site did have the benefit of planning permission.  The application was on behalf of 3 traveller families who had been moved from illegal sites in the past 3 to 4 months and who were now seeking a permanent dwelling site.  The application met all the needs of planning policy.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee planning permission had been granted for a haystore on the site, however, this had not been built to the submitted plans or specifications.  Accordingly the current building did not have planning permission.


Councillor Charlton expressed concerns at the ribbon development which was along a country road and could lead to the two villages of Haswell and Shotton being joined.



That the application be refused for the following reasons: the development would have a detrimental impact on the countryside, it was not sustainable and would have a detrimental impact on the local visual amenity.

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