Agenda item

4/12/00213/FPA - Land Adjacent To Crossways, Whitesmocks, Durham, DH1 4LL:

Erection of new two storey detached dwelling adjacent to Crossways, Whitesmocks.


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding the erection of a new two storey detached dwelling house adjacent to Crossways, Whitesmocks, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor Holland, local Member, expressed concerns that the development would lead to an over-massing of the site and a loss of privacy to nearby properties and also expressed concern at the possible effect the development might have on the water table in the area.


Mr Spirit, representing local resident Ms Hughes, spoke against the application.  The application site was not a brownfield site and could be seen as ‘garden grabbing’, and the development would impact on the defined and uniform building line of the area.  It would be in close proximity to two existing properties, which again would be out of character for the area.  The development would be in an elevated position to No. 26 Springwell Road which would result in less privacy for that property.  This development would be shoehorning a large property into the space available and the conditions in the report were too weak to protect the household of 26 Springwell Avenue and others in the area.  Mr Spirit also expressed concerns about drainage issues and the potential effect on the water table.


Mr Luckin, the applicant, addressed the Committee.  The proposed development would be at least 28.5 metres from the nearest property on Springwell Road, which was well in excess of the minimum distance of 21 metres as set out in planning guidelines.  Moreover, there was a natural hedgerow and tree line already in place between the proposed development and Springwell Road, which would be retained to provide greater screening.  The proposed development was of a commensurate size to surrounding properties in the area and design aspects and features of the development had been influenced by the nearby Crossways property.  Referring to drainage issues raised, Mr Luckin informed the Committee that building regulations were in place to address such issues.


The Principal Planning Officer responded to the points made.  Although part of the development site was brownfield and part greenfield, a recent shift in Government policy had been towards developments being sustainable.  The proposed development was on a one-off individual site and its impact on the building line should not necessarily be considered a negative factor.  The proposed development was well in excess of 21 metres from the nearest property at 26 Springwell Road and would be slightly offset to maintain privacy.


Councillor Blakey referred to the concerns raised about drainage issues and asked that the development be closely monitored.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions detailed in the recommendations in the report.


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