Agenda item

4/12/00357/VOC - Land at Former Cape Site Durham Road Bowburn DH6 5AT:

Removal of condition 12 of planning application 06/00631/OUT (Outline Application including details of means of access for employment use and residential development with associated play areas, landscaping, parking and access) relating to the provision of 30% affordable housing.


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding the removal of condition 12 of planning application 06/00631/OUT (outline application including details of means of access for employment use and residential development with associated play areas, landscaping, parking and access) relating to the provision of 30% affordable housing (for copy see file of Minutes).  The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application.


Councillor Williams, local Member, spoke against the application.  He informed the Committee that both the Planning Inspector and Secretary of State had accepted the 30% affordable housing condition when the original planning application had been subject of a public inquiry.  Both Bowburn and Shincliffe Parish Councils were opposed to the removal of this condition.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that the 30% affordable housing condition had been imposed at a time of different financial circumstances and that drastic changes in the economy had led to the need for the developer to reappraise the ability to meet this condition.  The number of houses to be built on the site was not to be reduced, only the percentage of affordable housing.  The developer had agreed to a further financial contribution within a s106 agreement to provide further off-site affordable housing.  However, no site for this off-site housing had yet been identified.  A clause could be included in the s106 agreement for the money to be spent within the electoral division, however, this would need further discussion.


Councillor Freeman informed the Committee that more affordable housing was needed, not less, and he was opposed to the removal of the 30% affordable housing condition.



That the application for the removal of condition 12 of planning application 06/00631/OUT relating to the provision of 30% affordable housing be refused.

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