Agenda item

Refresh of the Committee's Work Programme 2012/2013 - Report of Assistant Chief Executive presented by Overview and Scrutiny Manager


The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive that provided an updated work programme for the Committee for 2012-2014 for consideration (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Stradling reminded the Committee that any work programme would need to be completed by January 2013 because of the issue of purdah in the run up to elections in May 2013.  Therefore the work programme would need to be both manageable and realistic within this timescale.  Councillor Armstrong suggested the areas for consideration for the Committee to consider as Mental Health Issues of Children and Young People and Alcohol and Substance Misuse of Children and Young People.  Councillor Stradling agreed with these areas, adding that the maximum the Committee could consider in the timescale would be two Light Touch reviews and one Review.  The Overview and Scrutiny Manager informed the Committee that there would be a need to add the Effectiveness of Academies to the Work Programme.



That reviews of Support for Children and Young People with Mental Health Issues and Alcohol and Substance Misuse of Children and Young People be undertaken.


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