Agenda item

Authorised Signatories to the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee's Bank Account


The Clerk to the Joint Committee, Sharon Spence reminded Members that at the last meeting, it had been identified that there was a requirement to amend the authorised signatories to the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee’s bank account following the retirement of Stuart Crowe, the former Treasurer to the Joint Committee.  Members recalled that the following Officers had been approved by the Joint Committee as authorised signatories:


Jeff Garfoot                Head of Finance and Interim Treasurer to the Central      Durham Crematorium Joint Committee

Paul Darby                 Head of Finance, HR and Business Support,        Neighbourhood Services

Hilary Appleton          Principal Finance Officer, Strategic Finance


Councillors were asked that they also approve the removal of the following Officers from the list of authorised signatories:


Elizabeth Hall Director of Strategic Services, former City of Durham     Council and former Treasurer to the Central Durham         Crematorium Joint Committee

Peter Jackson           Head of Internal Audit, former City of Durham Council

David Carr                 Finance Manager, former City of Durham Council




That Elizabeth Hall, Peter Jackson and David Carr be removed as authorised as signatories on the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee’s bank account.