Agenda item

Meetings of the Joint Committee


Councillor J Blakey, through the Chair, noted that the meetings of the Joint Committee were usually held 5.30pm, albeit with this Special Meeting being brought forward to a 4.00pm start.  Councillor J Blakey suggested that it may be preferable to Members if meetings were convened during normal “office hours” rather than on an early evening.  Councillor J Marr explained that the meetings had always been convened for a 5.30pm start except in extenuating circumstances and that the meeting time being 5.30pm was preferable for Spennymoor Town Council Members. 


The Chair suggested that, as the Special Meeting had been arranged to consider the options regarding the replacement cremators and associated works, it may be preferable to table discussions as regards the start time for Joint Committee meetings at the next ordinary meeting in January.




That the issue as regards the start time for meetings of the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee be discussed at the next ordinary meeting of the Joint Committee, 26 January 2011.