Agenda item

Report of the Treasurer to the Joint Committee / Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services: Statement of Accounts 2009/2010

Statement of Accounts 2009/10.


The Head of Finance, HR and Business Support referred Members to the report setting out the amendments made to the Statement of Accounts (SOA) for 2009/2010 which took into account the findings of the external auditor (for copy, see file of minutes).


Members were informed that the amendments had not affected the reserves or balances and that the amended SOA would need to be signed by the Chair if agreed by the Joint Committee.




(a)         That the Members of the Central Durham Crematorium Joint                                         Committee note the changes made and approve the Audited                           Statement of Accounts for 2009/2010.


(b)         That the Members of the Central Durham Crematorium Joint                                         Committee acknowledge the work carried out by the Audit Commission                        in arriving at the unqualified Audit Opinion on the Financial Statements.


Councillor J Marr vacated the Chair


Councillor M Plews in the Chair


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