Agenda item

Report of the Treasurer to the Joint Committee / Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services - Fees and Charges 2010/11

Fees and Charges, 2010/11.


The Head of Finance, HR and Business Support asked Members to note that within the DCC Policy Framework, a lot of work had been undertaken in order to harmonise fee and charges from the former District Authorities.  Members heard that the two Crematoria that DCC was a major partner in, Durham and Mountsett also had differing fees and charges but as their budgets had already been set at their Joint Committees, a harmonisation exercise for the crematoria had been deferred until now.  The Joint Committee were informed that a harmonisation exercise had now been undertaken (and all of DCC Bereavement Services) and this had led to an increase for the basic adult fee by 4.4% for Durham Crematorium.  The Head of Finance, HR and Business Support noted that this was still less than other crematoria allowing Durham to remain competitive.  Members heard that in the context of the business case regarding cremator replacement, the increase in fees and charges were based on an assumed increase in gross income of 3% in the next year.


Councillor F Walker asked what the fees were for nearby facilities and whether Durham compared favourably.  The Superintendent and Registrar replied that a nearby competitor charged approximately £120 more that Durham, though Members were asked to note that they operated a sliding scale of fees depending on the time of the service.




(a)       That Members of the Joint Committee note and approved the proposed Fees and Charges.


(b)       That the approved Fees and Charges are incorporated into the 2010/11 Budget.


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